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June 05, 2023 6 min read


Sugar is a key ingredient in our favorite treats and desserts, but it can be tricky to work with. Whether you're making candy, glazing a cake, or creating caramel sauce, getting the sugar to the right consistency is crucial. In this blog, we'll cover the basics of melting sugar and help you achieve the perfect texture.


The Science Behind Melting Sugar


a spoonful of brown sugar

Credit: Envato Elements/ Sebastian_Studio


Sugar is made up of fructose and glucose molecules, and when you heat it, something interesting happens. It goes through a chemical change that makes its crystal structure break down, turning it into a syrup. This process is called caramelization.

But not all sugars react to heat in the same way. The melting point of sugar varies depending on the type. For example, white granulated sugar starts melting at 320°F (160°C) and completely dissolves at 338°F (170°C). Brown sugar melts at a lower temperature (around 300°F or 150°C) and dissolves at a slightly higher temperature (around 340°F or 170°C) since it has a higher moisture content.


Step-by-Step Guide on How to Melt Sugar


how to melt sugar


You can melt sugar in two ways: the dry method and the wet method. In the dry method, you heat sugar in a pan directly, while the wet method involves boiling sugar with water. Let's go over how to melt and caramelize sugar using the dry method:


Step 1: Prepare Your Equipment


woman getting a pan in the drawer

Credit: Envato Elements/ AtlasComposer


To start melting or caramelizing sugar, begin by selecting the right type of pot. A heavy-bottomed saucepan or pot works best because it spreads heat evenly and prevents the sugar from burning. Before you start melting the sugar, make sure the pan is completely dry and doesn't have any moisture in it. If there's any moisture, the sugar can clump together and turn into a solid mass, which will mess up your final result.


Step 2: Add the Sugar


add the sugar in the pan

Credit: Envato Elements/ StudioPeace


Now, move on to the next step by adding the sugar into the pot. To do it right, pour the sugar into the pot in a nice, even layer. This way, it'll melt evenly without any burning or uneven caramelization.


Step 3: Heat the Sugar


stir the pot with heated sugar

Credit: Envato Elements/ StudioPeace


Now, put the pot with the sugar on the stove over medium heat. Use a heat-resistant spatula or a wooden spoon to keep stirring the sugar continuously. This will stop it from clumping together. As you keep stirring, the sugar will gradually turn into a nice golden brown color. Keep on stirring until all the sugar crystals have completely melted.


Step 4: Monitor the Temperature


monitor the temperature of the pot
Credit: Envato Elements/ vvoennyy


It's really important to keep an eye on the temperature when you're working with melted or caramelized sugar. To do that, use a candy or a digital thermometer. This will help you accurately check how hot it's getting as the sugar keeps dissolving and heating up.


Step 5: Remove From the Heat


remove the pot from the heat

Credit: Envato Elements/ Lazy_Bear


When the sugar gets to the temperature you want, take the pot off the heat. If the sugar is not at the right consistency, return it to the heat and continue to stir until it gets there. Make sure to watch it closely so it doesn't get too hot or burn while you're heating it up again and stirring.


If you want to use the wet method to melt your sugar, follow the steps below:


  • Choose a heavy-bottomed saucepan or pot for even heating.
  • Make sure the pot is completely dry and free from moisture to avoid clumping.
  • Combine two parts sugar with one part water in the pot.
  • Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring gently until the sugar dissolves.
  • Once the sugar is completely dissolved, increase the heat to medium-high and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Continue boiling without stirring until the sugar turns a golden brown color or reaches your desired caramelization level. This may take around 10-15 minutes.
  • Be cautious while boiling, and never leave it unattended as the sugar can quickly change color and burn.
  • Once it reaches the desired caramelization, remove the pot from heat immediately to prevent overcooking.
  • Use the caramelized sugar as needed in your recipe or allow it to cool and harden.


Precautions To Take While Melting Sugar


While melting sugar is a relatively straightforward process, there are a few precautions to take in order to avoid any accidents. Here are some tips to keep in mind:


1) Don’t Overcrowd the Pot


pouring sugar in a pot

Credit: Envato Elements/ StudioPeace


Remember, sugar expands as it melts. So, use a big enough pot to hold all the sugar without cramming it in. If it's too crowded, the sugar can bubble over, creating a mess and maybe even causing burns.


2) Don’t Use a Non-Stick Pot


non-stick pot

Credit: Envato Elements/ Deniskarpenkov


Sugar is highly acidic, which can cause a non-stick coating to break down and release harmful chemicals into your food. Use a heavy-bottomed saucepan or pot instead.


3) Avoid Over-Stirring


stir caramelized sugar in a pot

Credit: Envato Elements/ StudioPeace


Don't stir too much since it can make the sugar clump up and become grainy. Just stir enough to keep the sugar moving and make sure it dissolves evenly.


4) Avoid Distractions


heat sugar in a pot

Credit: Envato Elements/ StudioPeace


When you're melting sugar, stay focused on it completely. It can go from nicely melted to burnt very quickly. Don't get distracted by things like answering the phone or checking messages while you're working with sugar.


What Can Melted Sugar Be Used for?


hard caramel sauce

Credit: Envato Elements/ magone


Melted sugar can be used for various cooking purposes, including:


Candy Making: It can be used as the base for various sweets such as caramel candies, toffee, and other confections. To get the right thickness needed for making candy, you can speed up the caramelization process by adding some lemon juice.


Baking:It can be used to make glazes and coatings for baked goods such as cakes, pastries, and bread.


Sauces:You can use melted sugar to create tasty sauces like caramel sauce, which is perfect for pouring over ice cream and desserts.


Beverages: The sugar syrup can be used to sweeten and flavor beverages, such as coffee, tea, or cocktails.


Decorations: Melted sugar can be used to make edible decorations for cakes and other desserts, such as spun sugar or pulled sugar.


FAQ Section


Q1: How do I store caramelized sugar or sugar syrup for future use?

To store caramelized sugar or sugar syrup, let it cool completely and then transfer it to an airtight container. Store it at room temperature for up to a month. If it hardens, you can gently reheat it in the microwave or on the stove to liquefy it again.


Q2: Can I use honey or maple syrup as a substitute for melted sugar in recipes?

Yes, you can substitute honey or maple syrup for melted sugar in some recipes, but keep in mind that they have distinct flavors that will affect the taste of your dish. Adjust the quantity accordingly and be prepared for flavor variations.


Q3: How can I salvage sugar that has become too hard or crystallized?

If your sugar has become too hard or crystallized, you can try to revive it. Place it in a microwave-safe container, add a few drops of water, and microwave it in short intervals, stirring in between until it softens. Alternatively, you can place it in a sealed bag and crush it into a powder.




Creating perfectly melted sugar can be a challenge, but with patience and the right technique, it's possible. By following this step-by-step guide, you can create delicious melted sugar to use in all your baking and cooking creations.

To make the process even easier, upgrade your kitchen with the Pepe Nero complete cake decorating kit. With everything you need in one place, you can create stunning and tasty cakes with confidence! Shop with us today.

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