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November 22, 2023 5 min read

There are few things more enticing than your kitchen smelling like freshly brewed coffee. While you can always opt for pre-ground coffee, there's a certain magic in the process of grinding your own coffee beans that elevates the flavor of your morning cup.

In this blog, we're going to dive into various methods for grinding coffee beans, from using a trusty coffee grinder to some more unconventional methods. So, keep scrolling to discover how to perfect your coffee-making game!

Different Brew Methods


coffee cup with black coffee inside
Credit: Envato Elements/ nikki_meel

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of using a coffee grinder, it's essential to understand the various brew methods available to turn those fresh ground beans into a delicious cup of whole-bean coffee. Here are some popular coffee brewing methods:

1) Drip Coffee Maker

The drip coffee maker, also known as an automatic coffee maker, is a common choice for many households. It involves water slowly dripping through a basket of coffee grounds.

2) Pour-Over

Pour-over brewing is a hands-on technique that offers control and accuracy. You pour hot water over coffee grounds in a filter, typically using a cone-shaped dripper or a Chemex.

3) French Press

The French press, sometimes referred to as a press pot, uses a brewing method where coarse coffee grounds are steeped in hot water. After a few minutes, a metal or mesh plunger is used to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid.

4) Aeropress

The Aeropress is a flexible and compact brewing gadget. It uses air pressure to swiftly draw out flavors from coffee grounds and is known for its ability to create a clean and lively coffee brew.

5) Espresso

Espresso is a concentrated coffee-making technique that uses pressurized water to draw out flavors from finely ground coffee. It serves as the foundation for various espresso-based beverages such as lattes and cappuccinos.

6) Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is a traditional brewing method where very fine coffee grounds are simmered with water and often sugar and cardamom in a special pot called a cezve. The result is a strong, thick, and aromatic coffee with grounds settled at the bottom of the cup.

What Are the Different Types of Grind Sizes?


spoons with different grounded sizes of coffee
Credit: Envato Elements/ laroshenkoM

The flavor and strength of your brew are greatly influenced by the size of your coffee grinds. Here's a simple breakdown:

1) Coarse Grind

For brewing techniques like cold brew and French press, coarse grinds are perfect since they resemble breadcrumbs. The larger particles allow for a longer extraction time, resulting in a milder flavor.

2) Medium Grind

Medium grounds have a texture similar to granulated sugar. This is your go-to grind size for pour-over methods and drip coffee makers. It strikes a balance between strength and flavor.

3) Medium-Fine Grind

Medium-fine grounds fall between medium and fine, resembling sand. This grind size is suitable for Aeropress and some espresso machines, offering a slightly more concentrated flavor profile.

4) Fine Grind

Fine grounds resemble table salt and work best for traditional espresso machines. They extract quickly, producing a strong, concentrated flavor.

Types of Coffee Grinders


different types of coffee grinders
Credit: Envato Elements/ wosunan

When it comes to grinding beans for coffee, you have several options for the type of grinder you can use. Here are the most common types of coffee grinders:

1) Blade Grinder

Blade grinders are the most budget-friendly option. They work by using spinning blades to chop coffee beans into uneven-sized particles. While they get the job done, they tend to produce inconsistent grind sizes, which can affect the quality of your brew. They are suitable for drip coffee makers but may not provide the precision needed for more demanding brewing methods.

2) Burr Grinder

Burr grinders are the preferred choice among coffee enthusiasts. They grind and crush coffee beans into uniform particles using two abrasive surfaces known as burrs. They come in both manual and electric variants, making them suitable for various budgets and preferences. They are ideal for a wide range of brewing methods, from espresso to French press.

3) Handheld Grinder

Handheld or travel-sized coffee grinders are designed for portability. These compact devices are perfect for camping trips or vacations, allowing you to grind fresh coffee beans wherever you go. They typically come with a crank handle mechanism, ensuring a consistent grind even when you're far from home.

How to Grind Coffee Beans Using a Coffee Grinder


coffee beans with grounded coffee
Credit: Envato Elements/ ktsimage

Now, let's get into the practical steps of grinding coffee beans with a coffee grinder:

Step 1: Gather Your Equipment

You'll need whole coffee beans and an electric or manual coffee grinder. Make sure the grind size on your grinder is suitable for the brewing process.

Step 2: Measure Your Beans

Determine the right amount of coffee beans you'll need for your brew. One to two tablespoons of coffee for every six ounces of water is a typical ratio, but you can experiment to find what works best for you.

Step 3: Load the Grinder

Open the lid of your coffee grinder and add the measured coffee beans. Avoid overfilling, as it can affect the consistency of the grind.

Step 4: Grind Away

Start the grinder and let it work its magic. For a consistent grind, it's essential to keep the machine running until you achieve the desired size. Remember to match the grind size to your brewing method.

Step 5: Collect the Grounds

Once the grinding is complete, carefully open the grinder and collect the freshly ground coffee. You'll notice the rich aroma that accompanies this step.

Step 6: Brew Your Coffee

With your freshly ground coffee in hand, you're now ready to brew a flavorful cup of joe using your preferred brewing method.

How to Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder


coffee beans with metal mortar and pestle
Credit: Envato Elements/ Artemka

What if you find yourself craving a freshly brewed cup of coffee but don't have a coffee grinder on hand? Here are a few creative techniques you can use:

1) Mortar and Pestle

If you have a mortar and pestle in your kitchen, it can be a handy tool for grinding coffee beans. Simply place the beans in the mortar and use the pestle to crush and grind them. This method works well for smaller amounts of coffee since it gives you more control over the grind size.

2) Blender or Food Processor

A high-speed blender or food processor can serve as a makeshift coffee grinder. Add the coffee beans and pulse the machine in short bursts until you achieve the desired grind consistency. Be cautious not to over-process, as it can lead to uneven grounds.

3) Rolling Pin and Plastic Bag

Place your coffee beans in a heavy-duty plastic bag, seal it, and then lay it flat on a stable surface. Use a rolling pin or another heavy object to crush and roll over the bag until you achieve the desired grind. This method works best for a coarse to medium grind.

4) Manual Grinding with a Knife

Put your coffee beans on a cutting board and grab a sharp chef's knife. Start chopping and mincing the beans by moving the knife back and forth until you reach the grind consistency you want. While this method may take some practice and patience, it's suitable for grinding smaller quantities of coffee beans.

5) Buy Pre-Ground Coffee

While this option doesn't involve grinding your own beans, it's worth mentioning that pre-ground coffee is readily available in various grind sizes at most stores. It's a convenient choice for those without a grinder or limited time.


Grinding coffee beans is essential for making a perfect cup of coffee. Whether you prefer using a coffee grinder or want to try something different, don't be afraid to experiment to find what you like best. And if you're up for a unique approach, consider using the Pepe Nero Mortar and Pestle. It adds a rustic touch to your coffee routine, helping you discover new flavors. Shop with us today.

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