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May 28, 2023 9 min read


Cooking is a delicate art that requires not just the right combination of ingredients but also proper preparation. One crucial aspect of ingredient preparation is the grinding of spices. A fine and consistent grind can elevate any dish, making it more flavorful and aromatic. But with so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right tool for the job. That's why in this blog, we'll be taking a closer look at the best tools for grinding spices. From traditional mortar and pestles to modern electric grinders, we'll examine the pros and cons of each option to help you find the right one for your needs. Additionally, we'll also explore alternative methods for grinding spices, in case you don't have access to a grinding tool. Let's get started.


The Different Types of Tools for Grinding Spices 


There are a variety of tools you can use to grind your spices, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here's a rundown of some of the most popular options:


1) Mortar and Pestle


 mortar and pestle with herbs grinded inside

Credit: Envato Elements/ Artem_ka


The mortar and pestle is a classic, time-tested tool that has been used across various cultures for thousands of years. It consists of two parts: the mortar, a bowl typically made of stone, ceramic, or wood, and the pestle, a club-like tool made of the same material that is used to crush and grind ingredients within the mortar. These tools can be found in various shapes, sizes, and materials, each offering its unique benefits and drawbacks.



  • Manual Control: The mortar and pestle allow you to control the grinding process precisely, thereby helping you achieve your desired consistency and texture. This level of control is particularly important when working with delicate spices or herbs, where over-grinding can result in a loss of flavor.
  • No Electricity Required:This low-tech tool doesn't require power, making it suitable for outdoor cooking, camping, or when electricity is unavailable. It's also a more environmentally-friendly option.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Mortar and pestle sets come in a variety of materials and designs, making them beautiful kitchen decorations. An attractive set can also make a great gift for food enthusiasts.
  • Multifunctional: Apart from grinding spices, a mortar and pestle can also be used for crushing garlic, making pesto, guacamole, or other dips and sauces, and even grinding pills or supplements.



  • Time-Consuming: Crushing spices with a mortar and pestle can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, especially for larger quantities. This may not be ideal for those with busy schedules or limited time for meal preparation.
  • Inconsistent Grind: Achieving a uniform grind can be challenging, particularly for hard spices like cinnamon or cloves. This can result in uneven flavor distribution in your dishes.
  • Heavy: Mortar and pestle sets made from materials like stone or marble can be quite heavy, making them more difficult to move and store.
  • Potential for Breakage: Mortar and pestles made from materials like ceramic and glass can be fragile and prone to breakage if dropped or mishandled.


2) Electric Coffee Grinder


Electric coffee grinders are versatile tools that can be repurposed for grinding and crushing spices. They work by using a motor to rapidly spin a set of stainless steel or ceramic blades, pulverizing the contents into a fine powder. There are two main types of electric coffee grinders: blade grinders and burr grinders. Blade grinders use a spinning blade to chop spices, while burr grinders crush spices between two abrasive surfaces. Both types can be effective for grinding and crushing spices, but burr grinders generally offer more consistent results and adjustable settings.



  • Quick Results:Electric coffee grinders can grind spices quickly and efficiently, making them perfect for busy cooks or those who need to grind large quantities at once.
  • Consistent Grind:These grinders produce a more uniform grind than a mortar and pestle, ensuring an even distribution of flavor in your dishes. 
  • Adjustable Settings:Some models, especially burr grinders, offer adjustable grind settings, allowing you to customize the coarseness of your spices based on your recipe's requirements. This versatility makes it easy to achieve the perfect texture for each dish.
  • Reduced Physical Effort: Using an electric coffee grinder requires minimal physical effort compared to manual grinding methods, making it an excellent option for those with limited hand strength or mobility issues.



  • Risk of Cross-Contamination: If you use your electric grinder for coffee, you may find it difficult to remove all traces of the beans, leading to flavor contamination. 
  • Noise Issues: Electric grinders can be quite loud, which may be a concern if you have sensitive ears or share living spaces with others.
  • Power Reliance: Electric coffee grinders require a power source, making them less suitable for outdoor cooking or situations where electricity is unavailable.
  • Not Durable: Depending on the model and build quality, electric coffee grinders may not be as durable as some manual grinding tools. Motors can wear out, and blades may become dull over time, requiring replacement or repair.


3) Dedicated Spice Grinder


 spices hand grinder

Credit: Envato Elements/ gresei


Similar in design to electric coffee grinders, dedicated spice grinders are specifically designed for crushing spices. They often feature specialized blades, grinding chambers, and additional features that cater to the unique properties of various spices. These purpose-built appliances typically come in two types: electric and manual. Electric spice grinders use a motor to spin blades or crush spices, while manual spice grinders require hand-cranking or twisting to grind the spices.



  • Purpose-Built: Spice grinders are designed specifically for crushing spices, ensuring optimal results. They often include features like airtight lids to preserve spice freshness, removable grinding cups for easy cleaning, and multiple grinding compartments for different spices.
  • No Cross-Contamination:Having a separate grinder for spices eliminates the risk of flavor contamination from coffee or other ingredients, allowing you to maintain the integrity of your spice blends.
  • Versatile:Many models can handle a wide range of spices, from soft herbs to hard seeds, and may also include adjustable grinding settings for customized coarseness.
  • Saves Space: Manual spice grinders, in particular, are often compact and easy to store, making them a great choice for kitchens with limited storage space.



  • High Price:Dedicated spice grinders, especially high-quality electric models, can be more expensive than other grinding tools. However, the investment may be worth it if you frequently grind spices and require consistent results.
  • Limited Use: While versatile, these grinders are limited to spices and may not be suitable for other kitchen tasks, such as grinding coffee beans or nuts.
  • Power Reliance: Electric spice grinders require a power source, which may not be ideal for outdoor cooking or situations where electricity is unavailable. Manual spice grinders do not have this limitation but may require more physical effort to use.
  • Cleaning Issues: Some dedicated spice grinders, particularly electric models, can be challenging to clean, as spices may get stuck in the blades or grinding chamber.


4) Pepper Mill or Spice Mill


Pepper mills, also known as spice mills, are manual grinding tools specifically designed for grinding peppercorns, but they can also be used for other whole spices, such as coriander seeds, cumin seeds, or cloves. They work by holding the whole spice in a chamber and grinding it into a fine powder or coarse flakes by twisting or cranking the mill's handle or top. These mills come in various designs and materials, such as stainless steel, acrylic, or wood, and often feature adjustable grind settings to customize the coarseness of the grind.



  • Allows Precise Control: Spice mills allow for precise control over the coarseness of your spices, enabling you to achieve the perfect texture for different recipes.
  • Ensures Fresh Dishes: With a pepper mill, you can enhance the freshness of your dishes by grinding spices directly onto them. This releases more of the spices' natural oils and aroma, creating a more aromatic and flavorful dish. 
  • No Electricity Required: Like mortar and pestles, spice mills are manual tools that don't rely on electricity, making them suitable for outdoor cooking, camping, or use during power outages.
  • Easy to Clean: Many spice mills have removable or easily accessible grinding chambers, making them simple to clean and maintain.



  • Limited Use:Spice mills are most effective for grinding whole spices and may not be suitable for grinding softer spices, like paprika or saffron, or spice blends that include finely ground powders.
  • Time-Consuming: Grinding spices using a spice mill can take longer than using electric grinders or other manual tools, especially when grinding larger quantities.
  • Inconsistent Grind:Some spice mills may produce less uniform results, with larger particles mixed in with finer ones, affecting the texture and flavor of your dishes.
  • Not Durable:Depending on the model and material, some spice mills may be more prone to wear or breakage, particularly if used for harder spices like cloves or allspice.


How to Choose the Right Spice Grinding Tool


When selecting a spice grinding tool, consider the following factors:


1) Volume of Spices


 peppercorns in wood spoon scooper

Credit: Envato Elements/ merc67


If you frequently grind large quantities of spices, an electric grinder or dedicated spice grinder may be the best option. For smaller quantities or occasional use, a mortar and pestle may suffice.


2) Consistency of Use


If you require a consistent, uniform grind, consider an electric or dedicated spice grinder. Mortar and pestles may produce less uniform results.


3) Versatility


If you grind a wide variety of spices, a dedicated spice grinder or a mortar and pestle might be the best choice. For grinding specific spices, a pepper mill or spice mill may be more suitable.


4) Available Space


Electric grinders and dedicated spice grinders typically take up more space than mortar and pestle or handheld options. Consider your available storage space when choosing a tool.


5) Budget


 different colorful spices in wooden spoons

Credit: Envato Elements/ boomeart


Prices for spice grinding tools vary widely, from affordable mortar and pestle sets to higher-priced dedicated spice grinders. Determine your budget and weigh the benefits of each option before making a decision.


Alternative Grinding Methods for Spices


If you don't have a dedicated grinding tool at hand, there are still several alternative methods you can use to grind your spices. While these methods may not provide the same level of consistency or control as purpose-built tools, they can still be effective:


1) Rolling Pin


 mortar and pestle, garlic, hand grinders

Credit: Envato Elements/ ipolly80


A rolling pin, typically used for rolling out dough, can double as a makeshift spice grinder. To use it, simply place your whole spices in a plastic bag or between two sheets of parchment paper. Next, use the rolling pin to crush and grind the spices by rolling over them with firm pressure. This method works best for larger, harder spices, like peppercorns, cumin, or allspice, and may not be as effective for softer spices or spice blends.


2) Knife or Cutting Board


A sharp knife can be used to chop and crush whole spices on a cutting board. This method requires more skill and effort, but it can be effective for soft spices, like fresh herbs or garlic, and smaller quantities of hard spices, like cloves, cumin, or nutmeg. To ensure an even grind, continuously chop and mix the spices as you work, redistributing any large pieces that remain.


3) Ziploc Bag and Hammer or Meat Tenderizer


 chef pounding fish on wooden cutting board

Credit: Envato Elements/ StudioPeace


Place your whole spices in a Ziploc bag and lay it on a sturdy surface, like a cutting board or countertop. Use a hammer, meat tenderizer, or even a heavy can to carefully pound the spices until they reach the desired consistency. This method can be messy and somewhat imprecise, but it works well for harder spices that can be difficult to grind with other makeshift methods.


4) Blender or Food Processor


While blenders and food processors are not specifically designed for grinding spices, they can be used to achieve a coarse or fine grind, depending on the model and settings. However, it's important to note that using these tools for spices may result in uneven or overly fine grinds, and cleaning the appliance afterward can be challenging. If you opt for this method, use a pulse setting to control the grinding process and prevent over-processing.


5) Microplane Grater


 different types of nuts and a micro plane grater

Credit: Envato Elements/ furmanphoto


A microplane grater, commonly used for zesting citrus fruits or grating hard cheeses, can also be used to grind certain spices, like nutmeg or cinnamon sticks. While this method won't work for all spices, it can be a quick and easy solution when a traditional grinding tool is unavailable.




In summary, there are multiple tools for grinding spices. When it comes to selecting a tool for your culinary needs, don't forget to consider the factors mentioned above. By doing so, you'll be able to select the ideal tool that elevates your cooking, extracting the maximum flavor and aroma from your spices. 

Upgrade your spice grinding game with Pepe Nero, the granite mortar and pestle. Made from high-quality granite, Pepe Nero is not only stylish but also durable and long-lasting. Its rough surface is perfect for grinding and crushing spices, herbs, and nuts, and its sturdy design ensures a consistent grind every time. Check us out today.

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