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October 24, 2023 6 min read

Spices are the secret ingredients that add flavor and depth to our favorite dishes. While it's easy to buy pre-ground spices from the store, making your own ground spices at home can elevate your culinary adventures to a whole new level. Not only will your food taste fresher and more vibrant, but you'll also have control over the quality and quantity of spices you use.

In this blog, we'll walk you through the process of creating aromatic ground spices in the comfort of your own kitchen. Let's dive right in.

How to Make Your Own Ground Spices at Home

Follow this step-by-step guide to start making your own exquisite ground spices today:

Step 1: Select the Best Quality Spices


different types of spices in bowls around cutting board
Credit: Envato Elements/ Olena_Rudo

Selecting the right spices is the foundation of grinding spices at home. Begin with whole spices that are fresh and of high quality. You can find them at local spice stores, supermarkets, or even online. Here’s what you should look for:

  • Aroma: Fresh spices have a strong and vibrant aroma. Give them a quick sniff; if they don’t release a noticeable scent, they might be past their prime.
  • Expiry Dates: While whole spices have a longer shelf life than ground ones, they don’t last forever. Always check the packaging for dates to ensure freshness.
  • Packaging:Opt for spices packed in sealed containers or bags. Loose spices exposed to air can degrade faster.
  • Color: The spices should have a vibrant color. Dull colors often mean they have been stored for a long time and have likely lost their potency.
  • Size and Shape: Look for spices that are plump and full. Shrinking or withering may indicate old age or poor storage conditions.

Step 2: Clean the Spices

different types of raw spices in bags
Credit: Envato Elements/ Lifeonwhite

Ensuring your spices are clean is a fundamental step before grinding, especially when sourcing from bulk bins or open markets. Here’s how to make sure your spices are pristine:

  • Inspect Visually: Start by spreading out the spices on a light-colored plate or tray. This will make it easier for you to spot any foreign particles, debris, or tiny stones that might have been mixed in.
  • Rinse if Needed: Not all spices need rinsing, but if you feel they might be dusty or dirty, give them a quick rinse under cold running water. Avoid soaking the spices, as this might lead to loss of essential oils and flavor.
  • Consider the Type of Spice:Different spices require different cleaning methods. For instance, spices like cinnamon sticks or nutmeg may just need a quick wipe, while spices like coriander or cumin seeds might need a rinse.
  • Drying: After rinsing, it’s essential to dry the spices thoroughly. You can pat them dry using a clean kitchen towel or let them air dry. Ensure they are completely dry before proceeding to roast or grind them as moisture can affect the grinding process and the spice’s freshness.

Step 3: Roasting (Optional)


spices around black plate
Credit: Envato Elements/ dashtikk

Roasting is a simple yet impactful step that can dramatically enhance the depth and complexity of your spices' flavors. Here's a detailed guide on how to properly roast your spices:

  • Choosing the Spices to Roast: Not all spices need roasting. Common spices that benefit from this process include cumin, coriander, and fennel seeds.
  • Heat the Pan:Use a pan or a skillet and preheat it on a medium setting. Avoid high heat as it might burn the spices, causing them to lose their natural oils and flavors.
  • Add Spices: Once the pan is heated, add the spices in a single layer, ensuring they don't overcrowd. Crowding might result in uneven roasting.
  • Stir Frequently: Regularly stir the spices to ensure even roasting and to prevent them from burning. The key is to roast them lightly, just until they become fragrant.
  • Monitor Closely: Different spices have different roasting times. For example, a whole mustard seed might roast quicker than a clove. Be attentive and watch for slight changes in color or a wafting aroma as indicators that the spices are ready.
  • Cool Down: Once roasted, transfer the toasted spices to a plate or tray and let them cool down completely. Cooling is essential because the spices may continue to roast slightly due to the residual heat.

Step 4: Start Grinding

spices in white ceramic mortar and pestle
Credit: Envato Elements/ SteveAllenPhoto999

Grinding is the central step in turning your whole spices into powders or pastes. Here’s how to perfect this process using different tools:

Using a Mortar and Pestle

This ancient tool is excellent for grinding small amounts of spices. The manual process allows for control over texture, and it's perfect if you want a coarser grind.

Here's how to grind spices using a mortar and pestle:

  • Begin by adding a reasonable amount of spices to the mortar (bowl). Avoid overloading it, as it might make the process messy and less effective.
  • Hold the pestle (the grinding tool) comfortably in your hand, and apply a firm, but not forceful, pressure to the spices.
  • Using a pressing and twisting motion, grind the spices against the walls of the mortar. Continually move the pestle in a circular motion to ensure that all parts of the spices are ground evenly.
  • Regularly check the consistency of the spices and continue grinding until your spices reach the desired level of fineness. To get a finer consistency, consider crushing the larger spices with a meat tenderizer mallet.

Using an Electric Spice Grinder

Electric grinders, including dedicated spice grinders and coffee grinders, offer a faster and often finer grind. Here's how to use them effectively:

  • Ensure the electric or coffee grinder is clean, dry, and free from previous residues. Old residues can contaminate the new batch of spices.
  • Fill the grinder with the spices, but avoid overfilling. Most grinders work best when they are about 2/3 full.
  • Turn on the grinder and let it run until you achieve the desired consistency. Use short pulses for a coarse grind and longer runs for a fine powder,
  • After a few pulses or seconds, check the consistency of the spices. Adjust your grinding time as needed.
  • Once you're satisfied with the consistency, carefully empty the contents into a container or bowl.

Step 5: Use a Sieve


cinnamon powder being strained in sieve
Credit: Envato Elements/ AtlasComposer

Sifting is like the cherry on top of the cake in the spice-grinding process. It might seem trivial, but it plays a significant role in ensuring the consistency and smoothness of your ground spice. Here’s how to make the most out of this step:

  • Choosing the Right Sieve: Begin by selecting a sieve with the appropriate mesh size. For finer spice powders, a tighter mesh is preferred. If you’re aiming for a coarser texture, a sieve with a broader mesh will suffice.
  • Preparation: Before you start, ensure that your sieve is clean and dry. Wet or dirty sieves can clog up, making the sifting process inefficient.
  • Sifting Process:
    • Transfer Spices: Gently pour your ground spices onto the sieve.
    • Shake or Tap: Hold the sieve over a bowl or container and gently shake it. Alternatively, you can tap the side of the sieve with your hand to help the ground spices pass through. The finer particles will fall through, while larger bits remain in the sieve.
  • Examine the Residue: Once you've sifted the majority of your ground spices, take a moment to inspect the particles that didn't pass through. If they're too large or coarse and you desire a finer powder, you can re-grind these remnants and sift again.

Step 6: Store Your Freshly Ground Spices


different types of spices in glass container
Credit: Envato Elements/ Svetlana_Lazhko

Once you've ground and possibly sifted your spices, ensuring they're stored correctly is paramount. Proper storage safeguards the potency, aroma, and flavor of your spices, making every dish you create vibrant and aromatic. Here’s how to store your spices optimally:

  • Selecting Appropriate Containers: Choose airtight containers that are suitable for spices. Glass jars with tight-fitting lids, stainless steel containers, or plastic containers specifically designed for spices are ideal options.
  • Avoid Direct Light and Heat: Store your spices in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources like the stove or oven. Exposure to these elements can cause the spices to lose their potency and flavor rapidly.
  • Control Moisture: Ensure that the storage area is dry. Avoid storing spices near the dishwasher or sink where they might be exposed to excess moisture. Always ensure your hands are dry when handling spices, and avoid introducing any form of moisture into the containers.
  • Labeling: Consider labeling your spice containers with the name of the spice and the date of grinding. This will help keep track of freshness and ensure you’re using your spices when they’re at their peak.


Making your own spices at home is a simple process that can add robust flavor to your dishes. With the right tools and a bit of practice, you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of fresh spices in the comfort of your own kitchen. Give it a try and taste the difference for yourself!

And to make your spice-grinding adventure even more enjoyable, consider using Pepe Nero's high-quality mortar and pestle. Whether you want to ground coriander, create mustard flour, or make cinnamon powder, our mortar and pestle can handle it. Shop with us today!

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