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July 03, 2023 9 min read

Spice grinding, though not a new practice, has recently taken center stage thanks to the influence of trending culinary videos on social media platforms. These platforms have sparked curiosity among food enthusiasts around the globe, inspiring many to explore diverse methods for grinding spices. While the food processor might be the go-to gadget in most Western kitchens, it's just the tip of the iceberg in the vast sea of spice-grinding tools available globally. 

In this blog, we will explore the fascinating world of spice-grinding tools, revealing innovative gadgets that can elevate the humble act of spice-grinding. We'll also guide you to help identify the perfect match for your spice grinding needs. Let's get started.


Why Should You Use Tools for Grinding and Crushing Spices?


man crushing spices in mortar and pestle
Credit: Envato Elements/ oss_owl


Spice grinding tools, while not strictly necessary, can drastically improve the quality and complexity of your dishes. The primary reason for using specialized tools for this practice is because it helps to enhance dishes. But how? 

Spices contain essential oils which give them their characteristic flavors. When you use specialized tools for grinding them, these oils are released, helping you tap into the utmost intensity of flavor. Additionally, this process guarantees that your dishes benefit from the freshest possible spices, since these oils are only released when the spices are freshly crushed just prior to their use.

Secondly, spice-grinding tools are instrumental in manipulating the texture of the spices. The art of cooking often requires ingredients of different sizes depending upon the specific recipe. While chopping or slicing suffice for most ingredients, spices demand a more nuanced approach to achieve the desired texture. They need to be repeatedly broken down to blend seamlessly into recipes, whether as a fine powder or a coarse mixture. Spice grinding tools allow you to effectively achieve this level of precision, helping you achieve the perfect texture for your dishes. 

In essence, while grinding your own spices does require a bit of effort and the right tools, it can have a massive impact on your cooking. From the enhanced flavor and aroma to the customized textures, it's an investment that will truly pay off in your culinary endeavors.


Innovative Tools for Grinding Spices 


different spice tools displayed on table
Credit: Envato Elements/ boomeart


Now that you know the importance of using tools to grind your spices, let's explore the various tools. These include:


1) Electric Spice Grinders


Taking the manual labor out of the grinding process, electric spice grinders are the epitome of convenience. With a simple press of a button, they swiftly transform whole spices into fine powder.

Some models even offer customizable grind settings, allowing you to choose from fine to coarse according to your preference. Additionally, they can grind a larger quantity of spices at once, saving you time and effort when prepping for a big meal. 


2) Burr Grinders


Burr grinders, originally intended for coffee beans, are becoming increasingly popular for grinding spices like cumin. Unlike blade grinders, these grinders crush spices instead of chopping them, which can enhance the flavors. They also provide consistent granulation and can adjust to different grind sizes, which is ideal for a variety of cooking needs.


3) Nut Grinders


Don't be fooled by the name; nut grinders are also excellent at grinding whole spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, and cumin. Their user-friendly design includes an easy-to-grip handle and lid, which allows you to grind spices without exerting too much effort and making a mess.

Moreover, most nut grinders are easy to disassemble, making them hassle-free to clean after each use. Therefore, they serve as a practical and efficient tool for home chefs that want to incorporate the freshness of ground spices into their recipes.


4) Rotary Grater


Commonly known for grating hard cheeses, the rotary grater is another adaptable tool that proves its effectiveness in grinding spices. Its design, featuring a rotary handle, makes grinding hard spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon an easy task. The built-in compartment captures the ground spice, limiting mess and making it a neat addition to your kitchen.


5) Oscillating Spice Grinder


Taking spice grinding technology to a whole new level, the oscillating grinder functions on high-frequency oscillations instead of traditional rotating blades. This action ensures a uniform grind, which in turn helps to maintain the spice's aroma and flavor. As a high-tech addition to your kitchen, this tool brings the utmost precision to your cooking.


6) Salt and Pepper Grinder Combo


A dual-function tool, the salt and pepper grinder combo brings the fresh flavors of ground salt and pepper in a single, handy gadget. Some designs come with an adjustable grinding mechanism, offering you the flexibility to grind from fine to coarse according to your preference. Such a grinder can be repurposed for grinding other whole spices, such as cumin or coriander, making it a versatile addition to your kitchen.


7) Handheld Spice Mill


A handheld spice mill operates on a crank mechanism. To use it, you need to load your preferred spices into the mill and turn the handle to activate the grinding mechanism. 

This tool is perfect for grinding spices directly over dishes, adding a burst of fresh flavor just before serving. Moreover, its compact design makes it a convenient and space-saving addition to your kitchen.


8) Mortar and Pestle


Despite being among the oldest equipment for grinding spices, the mortar and pestle have evolved over time to keep up with more advanced technology. Originally made from stone or ceramic, we now see versions made from stainless steel or silicone. These materials are not only easy to clean and maintain, but they also offer the added benefit of being non-porous, so they don't absorb flavors or odors.

Despite its manual operation, many chefs and home cooks still swear by the control and consistency mortar and pestles provide when grinding spices.


9) Herb and Spice Hammer


The herb and spice hammer brings a touch of fun and excitement to grinding and crushing spices. Shaped like a small mallet, this tool is perfect for crushing whole spices like cinnamon sticks, cumin seeds, or peppercorns. It requires a hands-on approach, as you physically smash the spices to break them down.

While it may seem more basic compared to some of the high-tech options available, many cooks love the physical touch it provides. Plus, it's also a versatile tool that can double as a cocktail muddler, making it a useful addition to both your kitchen and your home bar.


10) Spice Infuser Mill


The spice infuser mill is a relative newcomer to the spice grinding scene, but it's quickly becoming a favorite among culinary enthusiasts. Its design allows you to add freshly ground spices directly to your cooking pot, infusing your dish with an intense flavor.

The unique advantage of this tool is its two-in-one functionality. It eliminates the need for a separate straining step before serving, saving time and reducing the number of dishes to clean. This tool truly represents the future of convenient and efficient spice grinding.


How to Choose the Right Tool to Grind Spices


different grinding tools displayed
Credit: Envato Elements/ tycoon101


The perfect tool for grinding and crushing spices is largely dependent on your specific needs and cooking style. The electric spice grinder, for instance, is excellent for larger volumes and harder spices due to its power and speed, while the traditional mortar and pestle offer hands-on control over the grind size, making them ideal for softer spices. 

Burr grinders offer precise grinding at slower speeds, protecting the essential oils in your spices, while nut grinders and rotary grinders provide versatility for a variety of harder ingredients.

Oscillating spice grinders give a consistent grind and their portability makes them perfect for smaller kitchens or on-the-go cooks. Handheld spice mills are compact and user-friendly, excellent for smaller quantities of spices. If you regularly season with salt and pepper, consider a grinder combo that handles both these seasonings and spices.

For larger spices or for crushing herbs, the herb and spice hammer is an ideal traditional tool. Lastly, the spice infuser mill is a unique tool for those who want the flavor infusion of spices without the texture in their dishes.


How to Maintain and Clean Spice Grinders


different shapes of mortar and pestles displayed
Credit: Envato Elements/ Nikolaydonetsk


To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your spice grinder, you need to regularly maintain and clean it. This not only helps to prolong the life of the grinder but also preserves the purity of flavors in your spices. Here's how to clean and maintain your spice grinder:


1) Clean After Every Use


Every time you use your grinder, it is essential to clean it to eliminate the residue. Leftover bits of spices can mix with other spices during subsequent uses, potentially compromising their distinct flavors.

For both electric and manual grinders, use a dry brush or cloth to effectively sweep away residual spices from the blades and grinding components. This simple step can help maintain the integrity of your spices and ensure a fresh start for each grind. 


2) Conduct a Deep Clean 


Over time, the residue of the spices might accumulate in the grinder that regular brushing or wiping can't remove. For electric grinders, you can use a small, stiff brush (a clean toothbrush works well) to reach and scrub off any stubborn bits. Always ensure the grinder is unplugged before you start cleaning. 

For manual grinders, you can use dish soap and a mild scrubber to get rid of any jammed spices. Remember to never wash your spice grinder with water unless the instructional manual specifically says it's safe to do so. Water can damage the motor in electric grinders and cause rust in manual ones.


3) Deodorize Your Grinder


Some spices carry strong smells that might linger in your grinder after use. These residual scents can taint the flavor of other spices ground later in the same grinder. 

To eliminate this issue, deodorize your grinder by grinding a neutral substance like rice or bread. These foods help at absorbing the residual oils of spices and effectively clear the lingering fragrance, thereby maintaining your grinder's freshness.


4) Conduct Routine Checks


Just as you would routinely check your car or home appliances for signs of wear and tear, your spice grinder requires similar attention. Inspect the blades for any signs of dulling, which can affect the grinder's efficiency. Check for cracks or chips in the body that might weaken its structural integrity.

Also, ensure that all parts, especially moving components, are in good working condition. For electric grinders, regularly check the power cord to detect any signs of fraying or damage.


5) Ensure Proper Storage


Storing your spice grinder in the right conditions significantly contributes to its durability. Choose a cool, dry place that is not directly exposed to any heat source. High temperatures or humidity can compromise the grinder’s components, affecting its performance, and possibly even causing irreparable damage.


6) Regularly Use Your Grinder


Regular usage of your grinders, especially electric ones, offers a dual advantage. Over time, the oils from the spices can coat the grinding mechanisms, providing a natural lubrication that enhances their effectiveness. Moreover, frequent use keeps the components in motion, reducing the risk of any jams caused by irregular use or stagnant spice residues.


Spice Blends to Try at Home


spices on teaspoon
Credit: Envato Elements/ photovs


Once you've mastered the art of grinding your spices, why not try your hand at creating homemade spice blends? Here are a few to get you started:


1) Garam Masala


This is a traditional Indian spice blend that usually includes spices like cumin, coriander, cardamom, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. It's the perfect blend to add warmth and depth to curries, soups, and stews.


2) Taco Seasoning


Make every Taco Tuesday authentic with homemade taco seasoning. It's a combination of spices like chili powder, cumin, paprika, oregano, onion powder, and garlic powder. Add a kick to your tacos, fajitas, or any Mexican-inspired dish.


3) Chinese Five Spice


A cornerstone of Chinese cuisine, this blend typically includes spices like star anise, cloves, Chinese cinnamon, Sichuan (Chinese) peppercorns, and fennel seeds. It brings a unique sweet and spicy flavor to stir-fries, marinades, and roasted meats.


4) Cajun Seasoning


This Southern blend is packed with spices like paprika, cayenne, garlic powder, pepper, and oregano. It's perfect for giving a spicy touch to your meats, seafood, and vegetable dishes.


5) Jerk Seasoning


A spicy, sweet, tangy, and hot seasoning from Jamaica, jerk seasoning is perfect for chicken, pork, and fish. The key ingredients are allspice (Jamaican pimento), scotch bonnet peppers, thyme, and many other spices.


6) Baharat


A popular spice blend in Middle Eastern cuisine, Baharat is a mixture of spices including allspice, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, coriander, nutmeg, and dried chili peppers. It's perfect for flavoring meats and even rice dishes.




With all the tools mentioned in this blog, you have plenty at your disposal to grind and crush spices. Remember, the secret to delicious dishes often lies in the spice blend, so take your time to explore and experiment with these innovative grinding tools.

Are you looking to transform your cooking game? Introducing Pepe Nero's Mortar and Pestle, a classic tool with a modern twist. Crafted with precision, this beautifully designed mortar and pestle unlocks the full potential of your spices, crushing them to just the right size to release their captivating aromas and vibrant flavors. Shop with us today.

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